Nearly five months after Apple launched simultaneously with the launch of IOS April 4 iPhone, has released the latest update to the software that powers the ranks of its touchscreen: IOS 4.2.1 (Apple TV version 4.1 the last generation). Free updates is an important step for Apple iPhone finally unite, iPhone and iPod Touch so that all run the same operating system with a large collection of similar characteristics. This update also adds several key new features.
iPad stand for the greatest improvement - it is already running IOS 3.2.2 and older, who do not have the features that are available on the iPhone - Apple, but all IOS devices that can run the updated software will be profitable. However, all models will be able to use all the new features. IOS 4.2 is compatible with iPhone 3G, 3G, and 4 and IPAD and all generations of iPod, except the first. some functions, such as AirPrint, works only on new devices. (More on that in a moment.)
Here are seeing major changes and improvements to provide IOS 4.2.
iPad get the changes that most
Check IOS 4.2 users will be more important for the iPad, which was blocked using an older version of IOS and more limited. Many software tweaks and fixes more fluid user experience for owners of IPAD and will likely spur more rapid adoption of the company.
Threaded e-mail, third multitasking app fast switching, applications of drag of the organization by the record, adding Faces / Places of photographs marking, and distribution of all wireless applications Other late.
IPad already supports the main VPN protocols, IOS 4.2 adds support for SSL VPNs, giving users another way to connect securely to the office. Business users will appreciate the new integrated e-mail box in Mail app, you no longer have to go back and forth between several in-box while checking e-mail. And staff would like a built-in features that allow them to manage better iPads additional security in the office.
There are some specific changes for the iPad. Unlike the iPhone and iPod Touch screens are smaller, more IPAD allows the addition of the brightness slider in the taskbar multiple and volume controls and audio. (Bar multitasking is a strip of icons that appear when you double-click the Home button.) Other IPAD-specific settings is the ability to choose the image size when you post more information in the email.
And switch on the side of the IPAD that was used to lock the rotation of the screen to go dumb, like the iPhone and iPod. Lock Screen option has been moved to bar multiple tasks in addition to the audio controls and brightness.