Mozilla's Up $104 Million
Mozilla released its 2009 financial statements last week, and the company's revenues are up 34 percent from 2008—leaping $26 million from $78 million in 2008 to $104 million in 2009.
The company didn't break out exactly what fueled the increase, merely noting that a, "majority of Mozilla revenue continues to be generated from the search functionality included in Mozilla's Firefox product from organizations such as Google, Yahoo, Yandex, Amazon, eBay and a handful of others."
Google, for example, pays Mozilla a fraction of its search advertising revenue to Mozilla in exchange for Mozilla slapping a search box straight to Google within the browser itself. The company's business relationship with Google has existed since 2004 and, under its current contract, will remain in place until 2011.
"Our mission and development process, however, are completely unrelated to the revenue we earn from Google's search activity," says a page on Mozilla's site. "Our open development process is governed by Mozilla's mission and our commitment to improving the Web. We do not vet our initiatives with Google."
The semi-recent economic downturn cost Mozilla $104,000 in lost investments between 2008 and 2009. However, that number represents a huge upswing from the loss the foundation experienced between 2007 and 2008—a cut of $7.8 million.
The company's total expenses increased from $49 million in 2008 to $61 million in 2009. The money is primarily focused on infrastructure and staffing and, in regards to the latter, Mozilla currently employs approximately 250 people worldwide. The company continued to donate approximately $1 million to various groups and projects in the form of grants and contributions.
"Our status as a mission-driven, nonprofit organization fundamentally affects our approach. It liberates us and allows us to focus, and take a long-term view on building a better Internet and developing a vibrant, creative community, rather than on traditional market concerns such as stock value," writes Mozilla.
"Growth in revenue and market share are simply indicators of the great things built by the Mozilla project rather than being objectives in themselves," the company adds.
There are more than 400 million users currently running Firefox, with more than 140 million of these actively using the browser on a daily basis.
By: David Murphy