Twitter is the hot spot today! Bill Gates, Ellen DeGeneres, Ashton Kutcher, CNN, local news, and even the local radio stations and malls, all have Twitter accounts to expand their network of Twitter followers. They make themselves known on Twitter to generate new fans, lead, viewers, new dogs, and music listeners. Even the creator of R2D2 in Star Wars through our program! If you do not do the same thing?
You hear "Follow us on Twitter!" Every time you turn on the TV or radio!
This has caused landslides important new Twitter users sign up every second hungry to connect with like minded people!
Rendezvous Ferrari and Twitter Friend Adder Software Promotion!
It's true! We've added all the advantages imaginable. All the bells and whistles included! Everything you need to grow your network automatically and profits on autopilot.
Compatible with Windows PCs and Mac OS X!
6 Target Laser, user research tools Twitter GLOBAL
Twitter network capacity to better!
Search the following and put a zero in the profile relating to you, then save it to follow. You can even export the results to your computer!
Ability to search for the same period best results
Filter hardcore Find Tweet, Profile Data
oral language
the ability to delete profiles with the default image
the ability to delete profiles with the URLs in tweets or biography
Auto Tweet Find a place that tweeted the user to take one or more keywords corresponding filter
Examples of research include (combine to form more complex searches)
containing the words: twitter
Contains few words: twitter marketing
Negation: twitter-marketing
Exact phrase: "twitter marketing"
WHERE: twitter or tweet
Tag contains the hash: # twitter
Not a user: "From: username
For users: to: user name
Mention user: username @
Twitter profile data search Search bio, more filter
Find where to search by geographic locations worldwide, plus filter
Find other list import twitter twitter Userlist
Follower users get the following list of specific user profiles
Followed by users to obtain a list of user profiles follow
Flexibility with the filter results
The ability to remove the user who posted links on their tweet
The ability to delete users who have only the default profile photo
Some account management Twitter
You can manage multiple Twitter profiles. This will increase your broadcast network Twitter twitter among several different profile. You can also manage advertising and PR profile client as a service twitter. Use our program on an unlimited number of profiles with Platinum Adder Tweet Twitter! To implement some new profiles: Select your profile as much as you want, and the software will operate in each account automatically and perform automated tasks with a single example of free software!
Follow the menu and Auto Full Auto Unfollow benefits
Features Auto here
Never follow the same person twice
MPKG special next block for some people
Auto Follow Twitter Users - Full Control Twitter follower follows the report, Max the following day
Follow the Auto Stop - stops automatically when Twitter respect the limits reached
Random Time Delay Settings-You can choose between the following time interval, unfollow, tweets and direct messages
Automatic shutdown following
The ability to stop taking except on your personal whitelist
Auto Stop follow Twitter users: # Stop monitoring the followers to follow the report, users who do not return to the period of time
Safe whitelist: Create a list of Twitter users to never stop following
Full Twitter statistics and view the historical graph
See your Twitter Stats for each profile instantly! Tweet Adder provides comprehensive statistics and see the vital statistics of each account to give a bird's eye view on what really happened. An attractive graphic display shows you who follow you, quit track, and more each day. We also display the correct research you do after the success of the results so you can determine your success!
Auto Tweet powerful Direct Messages Send and
Automate Twitter Pos, Auto Tweet helps you keep your Twitter profile active, interesting and exciting to keep your followers to leave you. You can define a large number of tweets in the software, and allows the software to distribute them throughout the day to keep you actively engaged in twitter and have fun with your free time.
Tweet Auto Features
Tweets automatically after a whole day
Tweets Post on Facebook, Linkedin, and MySpace!
Single Tweet Generator - Automatically create unique tweets
Tweets RSS - RSS feeds of your tweets updates to blogs or other sources
Tweets @ answer - posting a tweet tweet @ random someone post directed @ you
Re-users retweet other Auto-Tweets
Url Shortener - Shorten long URLs are automatically
Mp3 Posters - Bands and artists can upload MP3s to and share it on Twitter
Symbols - Enter special characters UTF8 such as stars, arrows, smiley
History Link - Easy access to previously shortened URL and MP3
Post Tweets with a random delay
Automate Direct Messages
Good to inform your followers of upcoming events, conferences, or articles that you need to keep you informed on the disciples. Communicate with your followers automatically. No problem! Set your pre-set messages to tweet, and dm automatically send you new fans to greet them and take the road!
Thank you Direct Messaging - send messages to new followers
Standard Direct Mail - Send messages to your followers
Twitter now and trends of historical research trends
What people are talking on Twitter? These tools look for trends twitter and bring you a hot topic right now, daily and weekly.
Free Proxy List Import Auto Works
As simple as clicking the Import button, fresh, working, proxy will be automatically imported into the program. Proxy is not necessary, but are fully supported for users who want.