Gold said that in the long term, Apple and BlackBerry maker Research In Motion continue to have the profit margins are higher because they control their own destiny with their own ecosystems, they are an operating system and hardware components and manufacturing controls. In the same vein, industry leader Nokia with its Symbian operating system, has the potential for smartphones higher margin, but not yet succeeded in the U.S.
At the chip level, "said Gold, Qualcomm has a clear advantage in the sale of ARM chips are used in smartphones and other devices, and should continue to dominate for one or two years in the future. But gold has warned not to count the number of competitors, such as graphics chip maker Nvidia on tablet computers, as well as Marvel, Samsung and TI in smartphones and other devices. Intel is also developing a mobile chip.
Gold agreed with the alliance PRTM Quadroid eventually mean that the seller "brutally compete for subscribers, and Hays said it is difficult to say who will lose. Some Asian manufacturers of devices such as Android Samsung, HTC and LG came on strong last year in a market that also includes Motorola, Sony Ericsson, ZTE, Huawei, Acer and Dell.
Quadroid ultimately good for the customer? It may seem that, if producers take advantage of lower, which will reduce costs for consumers.
PRTM but noted that producers are facing margin much lower Quadroid will try to differentiate themselves by considering a new phone designs, the new user experience and new business models. "In short, they should act more as different from Apple's long sojourn Apple," says a report by PRTM.
PRTM has said that in the months and years ahead, consumer demand for smartphones is destined to become more volatile. "Faced with many similar products based on core technologies [like Quadroid], fashion and virus enthusiastically encourage the highest volume for a successful product," says PRTM. "Meanwhile, a good product-but-not-great will languish, calling for exceptional agility in manufacturing sales and supply chain."
Gold agreed that a lower profit margin, while potentially reducing the cost of the device, means less investment by manufacturers in research technologies and new, because they lack the money to finance it. "Obtaining a consumer losses in the short term to long-term offset by a high-tech features interesting and suppliers," said Gold.
Hays said that since PRTM Quadroid report released in mid-November, many mobile phone manufacturers have contacted the company about the pressure on margins and provided the final consolidation. "They are very worried," he said. "Apple is watching all this closely and may simply allow Quadroid of the course, with the possible consolidation."