Apple to launch Mac App Store next week

Apple CEO Steve Jobs announces Mac App Store for the press event on October 20, said later that the bank will launch "within 90 days," which places the last possible start date in the second half January 2011. 
Analysts have described the new Apple App Store "worrying" for the traditional software channel, based on sales at retail and online. Many Mac developers to sell their products directly to customers via the Internet. 

In October, Jobs said that Apple will be a reduction of 30% of all revenues from new stores, the same percentage collected from software vendors who sell goods on the App Store's current IOS. 
Mac App Store page on the Apple site says that e-market "soon". 
While the launch may be close, Apple has continued to post information App developer.Last Thursday, for example, the company informed that the developer beta versions, demonstration and testing of their software will not be allowed in the App Store, said: "The application you submit to be considered for the store Mac app should be fully functional commercial version. " 
Apple's rules also appear to bar certain retail software from a Mac App Store. 
Bjango, for example, said that his iStat Menu, a popular system utility that displays diagnostic CPU and memory usage, network activity and disk, the interior temperature and more, will not be allowed in the Apple Store Online.