smartphones, tablets to overtake PCs

Shipping smartphone, tablet, and the application of compatible devices exceed PC sales over the next 18 months, an event which may mean the end of the era of the PC-centric, research firm IDC.
This can be considered a historical turning point, but it is one that says more about ledéveloppement new markets, mobile computing and tablets as compared to a decrease in PC and more. Shipments of personal computers will continue to rise even when they were defeated by the other device.
According to IDC, worldwide shipments this year app-enabled devices, which includesmartphones and compressed media, such as the iPad, will reach 284 million. In 2011, manufacturers will send 377 million this device, and in 2012, the number will reach 462 million shipments, PC shipments exceeded. An expedition is equal to one unit.
For PCs, IDC expects PC sales 356000000 this year and 402 million in 2011. In 2012, there will be 448 million PC sales.
The non-PC devices that "can not replace a PC - is the key point - but the market [they are] growing," said Frank Gens, chief analyst at IDC.
People see the similarities between the beginning of the PC market and what is happening today with smartphones and media tablet.
IBM personal computers came in 1981 but not until 1986 that the sellers to stop debating the future of the PC and the rush to get there, "said Gens. major turning point for the PC from Microsoft's initial public offering in 1986, a company quickly embraced by Wall Street.
PC Era led to the emergence of new businesses and the loss of seniors who do not adapt to market changes. Today, the vendor, through acquisitions and other movements, which position themselves for new markets smartphones and tablet. "Psychology is we can not jump this time," said Gens.
IDC also provides built worldwide IT spending expected to grow, overall, 5.7% in 2011 to 1.6 trillion dollars. But People said the projections could change if, for example, Europe's economic problems worsened and the United States did not reduce unemployment or to some recovery in the housing market.
Cloud computing will also be developed. cloud of public services should grow 30% in 2011, increased to $ 28.7 billion worldwide. IDC also provides the clouds began private service, which is estimated at $ 13 billion in 2011, an increase of 33%. sent cloud services private companies like Accenture and IBM Global Services.